2nd driving test

I was very nervous still however I know I was continuously checking mirrors except for the use of mirrors change direction one as this was last minute the examiner told me to turn left I still checked it was safe maybe the examiner didn’t see me however last minute pulling into test centre I got the serious faults there was a large truck coming my way which I knew I couldn’t get through so I pulled over unfortunately without signalling as I knew I was just waiting the car right behind me speeds in-front dangerously overtaking finally the examiner choose to tell me I was too close to the car as I was pulling off i knew this as I failed last time for clearance however the examiner thought it was necessary and said I did do the do the right thing pulling over this is all the final last minute pulling back into test centre it seemed the examiner was much more tough and proper than my previous one first test fail was for clearance and the examiner did have to take control however I did feel I drove safer this time just still relatively nervous

I was very nervous still however I know I was continuously checking mirrors except for the use of mirrors change direction one as this was last minute the examiner told me to turn left I still checked it was safe maybe the examiner didn’t see me however last minute pulling into test centre I got the serious faults there was a large truck coming my way which I knew I couldn’t get through so I pulled over unfortunately without signalling as I knew I was just waiting the car right behind me speeds in-front dangerously overtaking finally the examiner choose to tell me I was too close to the car as I was pulling off i knew this as I failed last time for clearance however the examiner thought it was necessary and said I did do the do the right thing pulling over this is all the final last minute pulling back into test centre it seemed the examiner was much more tough and proper than my previous one first test fail was for clearance and the examiner did have to take control however I did feel I drove safer this time just still relatively nervous